Saturday, July 19, 2008

Meragang Beach

Meragang beach has many names - Crocodile beach (legend has it that there are crocodiles there), 7up beach (someone says this is because of the fine bubbles in the water reminiscent of the bubbles in 7up).

We took a walk yesterday. It's dry season so the waves aren't high, the water is clear, the sand is flat and there's minimal debris being washed ashore. By debris I mean logs and normal whatnots from the ocean.

We dipped our toes in the ocean and played in the surf. The water is so clear you can see little fish swimming around in the shallows. There were shells aplenty on the beach for collectors - we ran across an abundance of razor clam shells.

We walked and walked and walked to the end where there's an installation belonging to the Fisheries Department (if I'm not mistaken). We clambered atop the jetty sticking out into the water and were rewarded with this view of the shoreline.

As we walked back to the car we collected a handful of crabs - I'm not sure what species but they play dead when you pick them up.

After all that activity, we sat and watched the sun go down. I love sunsets. We get some of the most stunning sunsets here in Brunei.

Brunei is lucky in that we're situated along the coast of the island of Borneo. Our beaches are beautiful and not commercialised. If you want a lazy Sunday playing in the surf or building sandcastles while the waves crash around you then this is the place to go.

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