Thursday, August 4, 2011

Australian teenager safe after bomb scare

Police patrolling the streets as bomb squad officers work to defuse a suspicious device in the home of an 18-year-old woman in Burrawong Avenue at Mosman, Sydney, yesterday.
AUSTRALIAN bomb squad officers yesterday safely removed a teenager from a "suspicious device" media reports said had been strapped around her neck, ending a 10-hour drama.

Police were alerted by the 18-year-old schoolgirl, said to be a member of one of Sydney's wealthiest families, in the exclusive suburb of Mosman in the early afternoon and fire crews and paramedics were placed on standby.

The Sydney Morning Herald said a balaclava-clad man had earlier entered the house and placed the device on the girl, although police would not confirm the suggestion that it was strapped to her or if it was indeed a bomb.

Other reports said a ransom note was attached to her neck and it was a case of extortion, with the Sydney Daily Telegraph citing a senior police officer referring to the device as a "collar bomb ".

Assistant Commissioner Mark Murdoch later told the Australian Associated Press (AAP) that the girl had been freed from the device, which was intact, and reunited with her parents. "We still don't know if it was explosive," he said, declining to say if the incident had been an extortion attempt.

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