In the message to Chinese President Hu Jintao, His Majesty thanked the president for his personal contribution to enhancing the existing bilateral relationships and looks forward to working closely in ensuring many more years of excellent ties between both countries.
The republic's achievements and contributions in terms of regional and international cooperation were also highlighted in His Majesy's message.
The monarch also noted that Brunei was especially pleased to have worked closely with China as coordinators in promoting ASEAN-China relations.
His Majesty also expressed his appreciation for the warm friendship that is happily shared by both countries and the good work done to enhance close cooperation in the span of one year.
It was noted by His Majesty, that these areas in particular, pertained to areas of trade, defence, education and agriculture. The message concluded with the monarch conveying kindest regards for the continued good health and happiness of the president.
Meanwhile, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade His Royal Highness Prince Mohamed Bolkiah also conveyed congratulatory messages to Minister of Foreign Affairs China Yang Jiechi as well as the government and the people.
In the message, HRH expressed pleasure in working closely with the minister in the past year in terms of strengthening the many areas of cooperation which both countries share.
"I look forward to continuing our work together in the upcoming year and give my very best wishes for a happy and most enjoyable 60th anniversary," the statement read.
With the fastest growing economy in the world, China has changed from a centrally planned system that was largely closed to international trade to a more market-oriented economy with a rapidly growing private sector.
Brunei Darussalam established diplomatic ties with the People's Republic of China in 1991.
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